Thursday, December 17, 2009

I bet you thought I'd NEVER post again. . .

. . .but you were wrong! Let's face it - most of the time I just do status updates on Facebook, but I thought I would get back on here.

It has been a fall filled with the unexpected including a car accident and surprisingly good feelings about work. With Christmas a week away, it seems hard to believe 2010 is on the brink. I'm thankful for another good year with blessings that outnumbered worries and look forward to whatever comes next.

Yesteday I got to be a part of one of the most incredible experiences of my life. A dad returning from Iraq early surprised his daughter during my class. She had no idea he would be home for Christmas - being a part of that moment was truly special. Of course I was crying - thank God the kids brought in tons of tissues for my room this year! I feel so thankful that this father could come home safely FOR GOOD in time to spend Christmas with his wife and kids.

Maybe I'll be a little more consistent with the blog in 2010 - stay tuned!